Ervaring bij Allurion Kliniek

Beoordeling Maagballon


“Great experience”

The experience with Allurion was great from the beginning to the now near-end after 14 weeks. The consultation on the phone was very attentive, the experience in the clinic with Dr Aarts was great, I felt heard and free of judgement. The placement of the balloon itself is a bit uncomfortable, but very quick. I didn't have any significant problems in the first few weeks either.

The general experience with my coach Marcel was absolutely game changing. He helped me throughout the entire process in being patient, changing my habits, appreciating my new lifestyle and seeing my ability to keep going. With the powerful conversations I learnt a lot about myself, my limits & my strengths, and my only regret is not doing it earlier. After 14 weeks I've lost almost 15% body weight, and I'm very motivated to continue.

Thank you to everyone at Allurion!

Anonieme gebruiker

Kliniek: Allurion Kliniek

Specialist: Edo Aarts (Bariatrisch chirurg.)

Behandeling: Maagballon

Beoordeling verschillende onderdelen

  • 10Telefonische bereikbaarheid
  • 10Klantvriendelijkheid
  • 10Het consultgesprek
  • 10Deskundigheid medische staf
  • 10De behandeling
  • 10Persoonlijke service
Anonieme gebruiker beveelt deze kliniek aan

02 mei 2023

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